Privacy Policy

1. Controller:

Name: Mutant Koala Pictures
Business ID: 1929635-8
Address: Rantakatu 3, FI-90100 Oulu, Finland
Email: info(a)

2. Name of register

Mutant Koala’s performer register and customer register

3. Purpose of the register and use of personal data:

We use the performer register to process the performers’ personal data, which are used for casting in AV productions. The customer register is used for delivering orders and maintaining and developing customer relations.

4. Basis for data collection, processing and transfer:

Data on the data subjects is collected, processed or disclosed to a third party with the personal consent of the performers or to implement the contract concluded with them. Data is collected for the customer register from registers maintained by the authorities to the extent permitted by law. Customer data is disclosed to third parties only if the contract concluded with the customer obliges us do so.

5. Data content of register:

Customer register: Name, business ID, email address, phone number, contact of the customer or company. Performer register: Name, place of residence, contact details, year of birth, photographs, videos, clothing sizes, performance experience, hobbies, and other information that the data subjects have submitted to the company.

6. Data retention period:

The data shall be retained for as long as they are needed for implementing the contract concluded with the customer or as long as they are up to date.

7. Register security:

The electronic data are stored on an external hard disk and network server. The electronic data are protected by user IDs and passwords. The data can only be accessed by the controller’s employees who need the data to do their work.

8. Rights of the data subject:

The data subject has the right to review any data recorded on him/her in the performer register. Upon a data subject’s request, we will make any necessary corrections and additions to the data or erase data deemed unnecessary for the service. The data subjects also have the right to restrict or object to the processing of the data concerning them in accordance with Articles 18 and 21 of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation. The data subject has the right to withdraw any prior consent given for processing his/her data or to file a complaint concerning matters related to the processing of his/her personal data to the supervisory authority. The data subject also has the right to object to the use of his/her data for direct marketing purposes. The company may ask the data subject to further specify the request in writing and to verify his/her identity prior to processing the request.

9. Changes to this privacy policy:

This privacy policy can be updated, for example, when changes take place in legislation. The privacy policy was last updated on 12 October 2020.