Short animation (2014)
This humorous short animation takes us back one thousand years to the past, when Sápmi, the land of the Sami people was the continuous target of plundering raids. As peace-loving people, the Sami were badly on the losing side and they fled, until one day, one individual, the young Áigin, decides to fight against them. Áigin has to face the frightening thieves and protect his family.
The story of the animation, told in Northern Sami, is loosely based on the Norwegian film Ofelaš, which was an Oscar candidate in the 80s.
Written by: Jouni West
Studio: Mutant Koala Pictures
Producer: Jukka Vidgren
Roles: Mikkel Gaup, Sara Marit A. Gaup, Sverre Porsanger, Nils Utsi, Ánne Mággá Wigelius
2014 Honorary mention, Best Young Filmmaker, imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, Canada